Planting season is usually on in October.
Soak your seeds with Di Grow Green solutions before planting
Benefits of Soaking seeds with Di Grow
✔️Breaking seed dormancy so that seeds don’t stay for so long before sprouting
✔️ Uniform germination
✔️ Increases the percentage of sprouting
✔️ Improving the sprouting power of the seeds.
For already established Plants 1-2 weeks after planting/transplanting, spray Di Grow Green for the following benefits.
✔️Enhances nutrient absorption by plants roots
✔️Stimulates and Enhances the growth of leaves, stems and roots.
✔️Increases the rate of photosynthesis and plant’s metabolism
✔️Boost plant’s immunity and resistance to diseases
✔️Growth booster, hence Stimulates the vegetative growth of plants
✔️Shortens the time at which harvesting begins especially to the varieties of plants which take long before maturity.
Have a prosperous farming year