Diamond Interest Ginkgo Biloba Extract By Yee Ginkgo The natural health supplement with clinically proven effectiveness on blood circulation & memory enhancement.

Do you feel HEALTHY? Everybody feels that they are healthy. In fact, the number of people who are really healthy is less than 10%!
Does your health have problems? Early Stage: Fatigue, headache, muscle aching, degeneration of the immune system, flu, cold, less appetite, dizziness, etc. Middle Stage: Constipation, skin allergies, declining digestive function, less energy, weakness, anemia, obesity, hormone imbalance, etc. Final Stage: High blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, ulceritis, arthritis, gout, liver disease, kidney failure, etc. Stroke, cancer, liver disease, kidney failure, Gout, Heart disease, High blood pressure.
Diamond Interest YeeGinkgo In the journey of life… Do you sacrifice health for wealth for the first half and sacrifice wealth for health for the second half?
Medicines can reduce pain and control illness… Diamond Interest YeeGinkgo But… Can they really provide you with a healthy body and longevity?
A sick body needs doctors. A healthy body needs maintenance. There is no miracle cure in this world! The fundamentals of health: Clean nutrients regulation.
GINKGO A plant that has existed for 200 million years… The ‘Living Fossil’ Ginkgo has been growing on earth for 200 million years, even though humans have only lived on this earth for 100 thousand years. Ginkgo biloba can survive up to 1000 years, and it can grow up to 40 meters.
The only survivor during the nuclear explosions in Hiroshima. Its durable lifespan is shocking the whole world! On 4th June 1945, the American Air Force destroyed Hiroshima with their atomic bomb during the Second World War. In September of the year 1945, researchers conducted a study on all plants in that area. They found that ginkgo trees had survived fires and a nuclear holocaust. As the tree grew in the middle of a temple, people suggested moving it to another place to rebuild the temple. This plan changed at last as they decided to restructure the temple. The temple was designed in a way so that the so-called “Nuclear Ginkgo Tree” could grow strong in the middle of the building. There are 2 “Nuclear Ginkgo Trees” in Hiroshima; the other one can be found in Syukkeien, one of the towns in Hiroshima, and it’s named “The Messenger of Hope”.
In the year 1965, ginkgo’s standardized concentrated extract was officially registered for use in Germany. In 1980, the German E Commission finally authorized the usage of ginkgo to improve mental function in the elderly and improve blood circulation as well.
In Europe, more than a million middle-aged people are taking Ginkgo Biloba leaves every year, amounting to more than 5 billion US dollars annually. Today, Ginkgo Biloba leaf is popularly used in many countries, with numerous ongoing research and clinical studies!
Main Ingredients of Ginkgo Biloba Leaf
- Flavon glycosides Help to dilate the blood vessels, maintain permeability in tiny vessels, act as antioxidants, eliminate free radicals, and prevent cancers.
- Terpene Lactones Prevent platelets from clumping, avoid blood clotting, improve circulatory problems, and treat asthma. Ginkgo Biloba Flavon glycosides Terpene Lactones Recommended content: 24.0% Flavon glycosides, 6.0% Terpene Lactones, 6.8% Yeeginkgo Flavon-glycosides
The Main Functions of Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Increase blood transportation and supply blood to a particular area at a particular time. Promote blood circulation, supply nutrients and oxygen to every single cell, meanwhile, collect all waste products to eliminate from the body. Blood Circulation in the Brain Blood Circulation in the Heart Dilate Blood Vessels “Ginkgo promotes better blood circulation, prevents platelets from clumping.” (The writer of Varro E. Tyler’s Herbs of Choice) Blood circulation of the whole body.
Product That Provides You Life… Memory loss Hearing loss Stroke Diamond Interest YeeGinkgo Alzheimer’s Ringing in the ear Migraine Shoulder aching Eye disorders Chest pain Retinopathy Heart attack Lumbago Impotence Menstrual pain Hand and foot coldness, numbness Leg Angina Other Problems High cholesterol High blood pressure Diabetes Kidney failure Cancer Skin allergy All health problems stated above are preventable. The solution is to consume the world’s oldest plant extract, Ginkgo.
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Coronary Scavenger In Malaysia, an average of 10 people are examined for heart disease every hour. On June 27th, 2003, Cameroon football star Mark Vivian Foe (28 years old) fell unconscious during the semi-final match of the Confederation Cup. Doctors announced his death after an hour. Mark Vivian Foe was examined and died of heart disease. Unfortunately, usually those people who die of heart disease do not realize that they have heart disease!
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Coronary Artery Scavenger The truth of heart disease Blood Vessel Blockage The blockage of blood vessels is the main cause of angina and myocardial infarction. This is induced by an imbalanced diet, stress, and obesity. Normal Blood Vessel Fat Inner Tissues Diamond Interest Yee Ginka The process of blood vessel blockage
- Excessive cholesterol accumulated in the coronary artery causesblockage and hardening of vessels.
- Medical report: When the total cholesterol reading in our blood increases by 1mg, the risk of getting heart disease will increase by 2%. Fat Fibrin Blocked Blood Vessel
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Coronary Artery Scavenger Three main factors that cause heart disease:
- High Blood Pressure
- Smoking
- High Cholesterol Level (* Number: The possibility of one getting heart disease compared to a healthy person) If you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and smoke, the possibility of getting heart disease is 27 times higher than a healthy person!
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Potent Brain Tonic According to a report regarding ginkgo published in a US magazine, namely “Clinical Medicine,” among 300 elderly who have cerebral insufficiency, 71% have shown tremendous improvement after 3 months of treatment with ginkgo. Besides, 47% of those having vertigo have been completely cured. Name: Law Poh Gaik Age: 35 Problems: Every morning, I help my husband with his business. One day, I feel a huge pain in my shoulder, and later I found out that I have migraine as well. At first, I thought it was normal because of my hectic schedule. I tried many remedies and other supplements, but they did not help much with my problems. After consumption: Thus, I tried ginkgo. After 2 months, my problems gradually disappeared. Now, I feel no pain anymore! Diamond Interest YeeGinkgo The hardening of blood vessels begins at the age of 12. Insufficient blood supply will affect brain functions:
- Absent-mindedness
- Memory loss
- Anxiety
- Dizziness
- Weakness
- Headache
- Depression
- Low energy
- Difficulty in concentration
- Tinnitus
- Confusion
- Fatigue
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Potent Brain Tonic An average of 5 Malaysians suffer from stroke every hour. Degeneration of brain blood vessels will lead to hardening, blockage, or hemorrhage in the brain blood vessels, which in turn will cause brain cells and tissues to die. Consequently, a brain stroke occurs. High-risk groups include those with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, heart disease, obesity, smoking, or high alcohol consumption. According to professionals, although a variety of medications can be used to increase blood supply to the brain, only Ginkgo is proven effective in supplying blood to particular impaired areas.
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Potent Brain Tonic 2 main types of Dementia:
- Vascular dementia – Blockage, rupture, or hemorrhage in brain blood vessels.
- Alzheimer’s dementia – Decrease in brain cells as age increases. Dr. Itil, a neuropsychiatrist, said: “If those who are in their 40s and above (especially 60 – 70 years) are experiencing memory loss, the possibility of getting Alzheimer’s is higher in 5 to 10 years.” Name: Szto Kheong Age: 72 Problems: As age increases, my memory gets weaker. I always leave my keys and wallet at home when going out; sometimes I even forget to turn off the stove. The worst thing is that I can’t remember my grandchildren’s names. Finally, I started to consume Ginkgo. After a while, I found that I can remember my grandchildren’s names. The Medical Association of America has discovered that Ginkgo is effective in controlling the symptoms of Alzheimer’s. It improves patients’ memory, language, reading, activity, conversation, and their ability to handle daily activities. Diamond interest Y & Ginkgo
‘It’s the’ best brain tonic. Consume it now without hesitation to enhance your memory,” says Jean Carper, writer of “Miracle Cures” and expert in health care and nutritional care. “Ginkgo has been used to improve memory, intelligence, concentration ability, and public relationships; it helps release worry and anxiety, headache, dizziness, and aging symptoms such as brain blood vessel degeneration and intermittent claudication,” states Amanda McQuade, the herbalist.
“Ginkgo is not only suitable for the elderly. Research has shown that it is suitable for people of any age and any condition of health and memory,” asserts Dr. Jonathan Zuess in “Ginkgo, the Wisdom of Herbs.” “Ginkgo is the miracle cure for symptoms of aging and insufficient blood supply to the brain, such as age-related temporary memory loss, vertigo, headache, tinnitus, and depression,” claims Dr. Michael T. Murray in “Health World.”
“Ginkgo is the best brain tonic that promotes better blood circulation. It is extremely good for the elderly to combat problems like memory loss, aging, unstable mental state, depression, and Alzheimer’s disease,” says Kathi Reville, a member of the American Herb Association.
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Baby-Minder of Your Eyes
Upon reaching middle age, the decrease in blood flow to the retina can cause the eyes to start aging, feel tired easily, become painful, and be followed by a degeneration in vision. A significant experiment carried out by approximately 100 doctors found that, after using ginkgo extract, 23% of the patients appeared to have significant improvement, while 57% of them showed excellent improvement. Therefore, in Europe and the USA, ginkgo extracts are widely used as a treatment for muscular degeneration in diabetic patients.
The Terminator of Tinnitus
As age increases, blood circulation begins to get interrupted, and the decreasing blood flow to the inner ear can cause tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Ginkgo biloba leaf is clinically proven to be effective on symptoms arising from tinnitus.
Name: Saw Guan Poh Age: 50 Problems: I am a lorry driver. Thus, my sleeping and eating times are not fixed. In addition, I seldom have my meal at home, so I am forced to have my lunch and dinner outside. A year ago, during the body check-up, the doctor diagnosed that I had high cholesterol levels and health concerns. Besides, I also had numbness. After consumption: I started consuming Ginkgo extract after my wife introduced it to me. At the beginning, I felt healthier and my numbness was gone due to the improvement in blood circulation. Moreover, the condition not only never turned bad, but it also has recovered. I have discovered the importance of Ginkgo, a thousand thanks to my wife.
Name: Tan Siew Lui Age: 43 Diamond Interest YeeGinkgo Problems: I am working as a tailor. Sometimes I have to burn the midnight oil during special occasions. As a result, I felt my vision and memory were getting poor. Usually, I started to have blurred vision after I worked for two hours continuously. Besides, I needed to memorize something repeatedly in order to store it in my mind. After consumption: After consuming Ginkgo extract, I felt more agile with better memory. Today, my eyesight has improved a lot: I have no problem looking at small things anymore. Thanks to Ginkgo, which not only helped improve my vision and health but also helped me to continue my career.”
YeeGinkgo Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Enemy to Asthma
The platelet-activating factor in the human body will absorb white blood cells into the bronchial tubes; this combination then releases some chemical substances which cause constriction of the bronchi, swelling of the mucosa, and increased discharge production. This can lead to asthma. The total terpene lactones present in ginkgo biloba leaf are able to inhibit the platelet-activating factor, preventing it from absorbing white blood cells into the bronchial tubes. (Medical reports have shown that after taking ginkgo extract, asthma patients obtained a 60% improvement in their conditions.)
Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Savior to Leg Angina
Results from five experiments done in Germany proved that patients who are on ginkgo biloba leaf treatment can pedal on a bicycle even faster than before.
Name: Chin Kim Hong Age: 52 Problems: I was a farmer when I was young and had to wash and clean up the fence daily. My legs were exposed to water even though I wore waterproof rubber shoes. This situation caused me neck pain and joint pain. Day by day, it became serious, and I had to take a nap to ease the pain. I had seen many doctors, but none of them could help. At last, a friend introduced ginkgo to me.
After consumption: Within three weeks’ time, my neck pain and joint pain had diminished. At the same time, I became more agile and felt better. Now, I always introduce Ginkgo to my friends. As people age, they experience pain when walking; this is due to the aging and blockage of the leg blood vessels, which results in sluggish blood flow in the legs.”
Buy Yee Ginkgo:
“Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Savior for Impotency
Impotence occurs when the blood flow to the penis declines. Insufficient blood flow to the penis can lead to erectile dysfunction. According to Dr. James Duke, the owner of The Green Chinese Medicine Hall, Ginkgo not only helps in improving brain blood circulation but also increases blood flow to the penis to promote erection.
Mr. Jiang Han Sheng, an urologist at the Taipei Medical Institution’s subsidiary hospital, has proven that ginkgo biloba leaf has a stimulating effect on the blood vessels of the penis. After taking ginkgo biloba leaves, 70% of the patients have shown significant improvement.
Diamond Interest YeeGinkgo”
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Our manufacturing factories are strictly controlled by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia and supply medicines to most hospitals, clinics, Chinese medicine halls, and the overseas market. We utilize the most advanced equipment, adhering to GMP standards, to ensure the highest quality products. Our commitment to excellence is evident in our rigorous research and quality control processes, including disintegration tests, absorption tests, composition tests, microbiology tests, and heavy metal tests.
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YEEGINKGO by DYNAPHARM – Nourishing the Earth, Benefiting the People.”
“Diamond Interest Yee Ginkgo Ginkgo Biloba Leaf: The Perfect Antioxidant
Free radicals, the major enemies of body cells, can attack and cause sudden changes or death of the cells, impairing the cells or tissues, and eventually leading to hardening of the arteries and, at times, even cancer. For most people, by middle age, pigmentation or dark spots like freckles start to appear clearly on the skin. This is due to the increasing number of free radicals in the body. Ginkgo is the best solution as it promotes better blood circulation, improves metabolism, and thus yields youthful skin.
Results from studies: Ginkgo biloba leaf is more powerful than Vitamin E in protecting fatty nerve tissue from free radical damage because of its ability to carry out antioxidant functions and eliminate free radicals at the same time.
Other Benefits of Ginkgo
Ginkgo is effective in curing the coldness of hands and legs, which appears in the elderly due to poor blood circulation.
Name: Wong Ah Yin Age: 66 Problems: All this while, I have been serious about my health; hence, I do exercise frequently. But recently, I got an aching shoulder and numbness in my hands and legs, especially when waking up early in the morning. These problems seem to be troubling me so much as they are getting serious. After consumption: I started consuming Ginkgo after one of my friends introduced it to me. After one month, I found that those problems no longer trouble me. In addition, I feel that my health has improved a lot; I feel full of energy.
Ginkgo helps to relieve symptoms like menstrual pain or dizziness at the hilltop caused by oxygen insufficiency.
Name: Heng Hwa Kok Age: 33 Problems: I am a hawker. I have to wake up early in the morning to start my business. Therefore, I always lack sleep. This causes me headaches all the time to the extent that I have to take a nap in the afternoon to ease the pain. I used to consult with many doctors, but it never worked. After consumption: My headache completely subsided after 3 months of consuming Ginkgo. Now, I need not spend time napping to ease the pain anymore.”
The composition of Ginkgo Biloba can be determined by the concentration of the extract. Products typically list the amount of Ginkgo Biloba Extract (GBE) in milligrams (mg), which is derived from a larger amount of raw ginkgo biloba leaves through a concentration process. For example, GBE 40mg means that 40mg of extract is obtained from 2000mg of leaves.
The typical daily dosage for adults is 160mg of Ginkgo Biloba Extract, divided into two doses of 40mg each, taken in the morning and at night123. It’s important to note that dosages over 240mg daily are not recommended due to the potential for serious side effects and drug interactions1.
Patients who are pre- or post-operation are generally advised to wait for 3 months after surgery before resuming consumption of Ginkgo Biloba Extract. This is to avoid any potential complications or interactions with medications used during surgical procedures.
If you are on medication, especially common medicines, it is usually safe to start on Ginkgo Biloba. However, if you are taking aspirin or anticoagulants, it is crucial to consult with your doctor before consuming Ginkgo Biloba due to its blood-thinning properties4567.
Ginkgo Biloba Extract does not need to be refrigerated but should be kept in a dry place to maintain its quality.
Experiencing fever, dizziness, and headache after taking Ginkgo Biloba is not typically considered normal. While some sources may suggest that these are positive reactions, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional if you experience such symptoms, as they could indicate side effects or interactions with other medications4567.
Stroke patients, particularly those who have had a thrombotic stroke or brain hemorrhage, should consult with a doctor before consuming Ginkgo Biloba Extract. Recent studies suggest that Ginkgo Biloba may aid in cognitive recovery for stroke patients, but it is vital to seek medical advice due to the complexity of stroke conditions89.
For those who have had thrombosis, the effects of Ginkgo Biloba may be subtle and require long-term consumption, typically for at least 4 months, to observe significant benefits.
High blood pressure or diabetic patients may potentially benefit from Ginkgo Biloba Extract due to its antioxidant properties and ability to improve blood circulation. However, there is no significant evidence that Ginkgo Biloba improves blood pressure, and those on blood pressure medications should avoid it. Diabetic patients should also consult with their healthcare provider before using Ginkgo Biloba, as it may interact with their medications1011