Bee Pollen Natural

Content and Health Benefits. Considered a Super Food because of its rich content. //The German Federal Board of Health officially recognized it as a medicine// Bee Pollen is also very effective in Building New Blood, Preventing Anemia, and Aiding Recovery From Chronic Illness. #BeePollenCapsules

Increase your farm yields

Go modern, Urban farming with organic foliar fertilizer;1. Digrow green (Growth booster)Suitable for green leafy, fruiting, non fruiting plants and animals.✓ Stimulates and promotes the growth in roots, stems,leaves and new buds.✓ Increases appetite, nutritional and biological value of animal feeds. 2.Digrow Red(Fruits and flowers enhancer)✓ Suitable for flowering and fruiting stage.ensures optimum reproductive growth …

Body care

The STOMACHis injured whenyou do not havebreakfast in themorning. The KIDNEYSare injured whenyou do not evendrink 10 glassesof water in 24hours. GALLBLADDRis injured whenyou do not evensleep until 11o’clock and do notwake up to thesunrise. The SMALLINTESTINE isinjured when youeat cold and stalefood. The LARGEINTESTINES areinjured when youeat more friedand spicy food. The LUNGS areinjured …

What happens when COVID-19 attacks the body?

1) Damages to the respiratory tissue/cell 2) Cytokine Storms create significant damage to body tissues and organs 3) Low blood oxygen levels in the body, especially in brain cells There is not currently a cure for COVID-19. We have to strengthen the immune system to fight off infections. What health supplements should we take to …