Farmers who use Di grow in Taveta
DI grow melons from Taveta.Each weighing 15kgs and very sweet. Waiting for orders. Click on the LINK 🔗 for free delivery.
DI grow melons from Taveta.Each weighing 15kgs and very sweet. Waiting for orders. Click on the LINK 🔗 for free delivery.
DYNA RH Tablet: The Best Solution for Aging Joint Are you suffering from joint pain and discomfort due to arthritis or aging? Are you tired of relying on painkillers and other temporary solutions? DYNA RH Tablet from dynapharm might be the answer to your problems. This supplement is designed to promote the production of joint …
SEACUCUMBER is a cancer Prevention product: * The compounds in SEA CUCUMBER JELLY 500ml stops the growth of cancer cells. ▪ *Cures Arthritis & Joint Pain: * contains chondroitin sulfate which is effective for the treatment of joint pains. ▪ *Boost Immune System: * Seacucumber is a good source of glycine & arginine which are beneficial …
Read more “6 Reasons why You should consume DYNAPHARM SEACUCUMBER!”
This distributor registered on 7th of dec 2020 and disappeared from the city to try di grow on his farm see what is happening. Flowering stage fertilizer Flowering stage fertilizer
Did you know grow green fertilizer is a high-quality, soluble organic fertilizer? It’s made from carefully selected ingredients and fermented using new bio-fermentation technology. It has a complete nutrient element with a balanced ratio. It can be applied as a base or top dressing fertilizer. Come rain come sunshine the story of dynapharm fertilizer that …
Happy farmers making a difference with Di Grow magic 🙏🏾. Click the link 🔗 and have it delivered free of charge anywhere in kenya 🇰🇪 today !
Do you know that *DYNAPHARM MANGOSTEEN DRINK* contains: 👉 Essential vitamins & Folic acid 👉 Bilberry & Grape seed powder What does these do for your body?_ ✔ Prevents the growth of cancer cells 👉 Flax seed & Green Tea Extract ✔ Improves blood circulation & maintains healthy cardiovascular system ✔ Promotes cell repairs & …
Today we learn about a Unique feature of Di Grow Foliar Fertilizer DI GROW Red 4LTR and why it’s important than any other fertilizers, Firstly, a Foliar fertilizer is a fertilizer product which is designed to be applied directly to the leaves of a plant. There are a number of advantages attached to using Di …
Read more “The Fertilizer that’s usually applied on the leaves of the Plants”
Planting season is usually on in October. Soak your seeds with Di Grow Green solutions before planting Benefits of Soaking seeds with Di Grow✔️Breaking seed dormancy so that seeds don’t stay for so long before sprouting✔️ Uniform germination✔️ Increases the percentage of sprouting✔️ Improving the sprouting power of the seeds. For already established Plants 1-2 …
Read more “What a Farmer in Kitale should do during the planting season to have better yields”
More and more farmers in Muranga County have got into the Latest trend of using organic fertilizer for greater yields for their plant harvest. It is estimated that with the use of Di Grow, a farmer will harvest a 25% to 35% greater harvest yield. Learm more: The most supprising fact is that Di Grow …
Q:Happy new year 2022 Sir 😄 . What are products to treat ulcers? A:Happy New Year and thanks for your question Wanjiku. Any of the following can do; YEE GARLIC, DYNA C- 250 TABLET ’90s, SEA CUCUMBER JELLY 500ml, PRO- LSB TABLET 150’s, GOAT’S MILK TABLET 150’s available on the shop menu of this website. …
While you know that certain foods can increase your risk of heart disease, it is often difficult to change your eating habits. Whether you have years of unhealthy food under your belt or just want to adjust your diet. Once you know which foods to eat the most and which foods to limit, you will …
What is Loving Kindness? Loving kindness is a mindfulness practice designed to increase love and compassion first for ourselves and then for our loved ones, for friends, for those we are angry with, for difficult people, for enemies, and then for all beings. Loving kindness can protect us from developing and holding on to judgementalness, …